Thursday, February 21, 2013

Offseason Ranting...

So, it's offseason for the awesome wedding professional world. Which leaves me time to catch up on my homework from school, Facebook like a mad man, travel, dine out, take day trips...although I can't really do those last three because it's offseason. Which means that I'm broke. 

So, homework and Facebook rule the day. Which allows me to catch up on the news. (Begin rant)

First and foremost the political divisions in this country absolutely SUCK. Oh, you're a Donkey? Oh, you're an Elephant? Oh, you like Tea? Guess what - I do not now, nor I have ever, given one iota of a shit about your politics. You forget who your friends are because of your politics.

That being said, I'm about as liberal as they come. I believe in taking care of your fellow man, because Jesus said so. I may not be the cleanest-mouthed, nicest fellow in the world, but the basic teachings of Christ belong in my heart. I saw a billboard in a meme the other day that said: 

"Hey You, "Love Your Neighbor." I meant that. - God"

Genius. Absolute GENIUS. So many forget that daily. I don't care if you're black, white, green, purple with orange polka dots, straight, gay, ethnic, urban, country, redneck, intelligent, stupid...well...yeah, I'll let the stupid people stay for now...a virgin, a whore (man or woman,) a cop, an outlaw, a gangbanger, or a preacher...I hate everyone equally. HAHA...just kiddin'. I attempt to treat all people the same, with kindness. Until they prove they deserve otherwise. And that's not judgement - it's simply being fair. I only have two cheeks. I'll turn once. After that, you proved you deserve otherwise. 

The perfect example of someone who handles politics in a great way: friend of mine named Cal V. Oh yeah, this Republican, Right Wing, damn near Tea-Party mofo, has my love for life already - and my respect with the way he handles it. Posts opinions all over FB, but not ONCE does he attack anyone but those who oppose what he stands for. And always with respect. I have totally opposing political beliefs, so I do what everyone else SHOULD...shut my effin mouth! There is absolutely no reason to beat a dead horse, and everyone does this crap all the time! Stop trying to argue with people who have been there when you needed them (or vice versa) and ending long-term friendships this way! 

Cal V. and I share a mutual friend who has been removed from my list of FB friends for a long time because of this. I felt bad because she sent me a message asking me about it, and I ignored her on purpose. I watched her berate people's opinions while quoting the bible, talk about "gay marriage" like it's an abomination while quoting the bible, and speak on whatever else the ChristianCrazies Coalition has tried to beat in to the "religious right." You can't talk about loving your fellow man and act like you believe what Westboro teaches is the real deal in the same day. To top that all off, crazy vain pics all day every day! The kind of pics that are the grown-up version of know, "I look so good and you're about to comment below and tell me that." Yeah, you can be pretty all day, and have a great body, and be cordial to everyone...but watch anyone long enough and you'll know exactly what they are about. Hell, she opined on one of my statuses about 'gay' marriage and I almost lost it on her! Like, I wanted to go where I know she hangs out on the weekends and verbally confront her and ask her "Who the EFF do you think you are?!?" Instead, I quietly defriended her while shaking my head. There is a part of me that still regrets that because, let's face facts, she's hot as hell and I enjoyed thumbing through her pics every now and then. But, I'm not one to call people hypocrites, so...

Enough of that. Before anyone gets upset with why I put "gay marriage" in quotes, I need to explain myself. It's just marriage. I don't care who marries who. Hell, I don't even care who's wearing the piece, or who's top and who's bottom. Just don't care. That is all.

Now, some advice to all of my friends. 

1. STOP THE POLITICAL BULLSHIT. You are literally losing friends because they think it's okay to raise taxes on corporations, and you're worried about your personal bank account. Resolve to keep political discussions silent among those whom you disagree with! I do that with quite a few of my friends...IT WORKS!!!!!

2. STOP THE RELIGIOUS NUT BULLSHIT! I believe in God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I'm a practicing Catholic, and on occasion I go to a Baptist church that a friend of mine preaches at. And I'm never going to wave the holiest of all holy books in someone's face to prove that God hates fags. (Sorry to my gay friends for using that word, but this point needs to be driven home.) GOD DOES NOT HATE. God is love. God can get angry, true. God can smite, and punish, and even send your ass to hell if you're THAT bad of a person. But God does not hate. God accepts all for who they are, and loves them the same. During his time on Earth, Jesus taught that YOU are supposed to do that as well. Just food for thought.

3. STOP THE DUCKFACE! I know this doesn't really belong with the theme of my blog, but I just really think that duckface is awful. And I'm tired of seeing it. Really tired. Please stop.

4. STOP WITH THE GRUMPY CAT BULLSHIT! Just kidding...I like Grumpy Cat.

5. LAUGH MORE! That's what 3 and 4 were about. I'm so tired of serious people. Especially in the professional world. Serious and professional are NOT the same thing, and I'm really tired of people not being able to smile and laugh with others. Professional does NOT mean stoic. Have a little fun.

I could write all day on some of this garbage, but I won't. Because I have other things to do. And that's my 10-minute break...back to homework and FB! And now I can dislike stupid people again.