Dear Whoever-the-hell-reads-this,
I had a trying day today. It seems like people are becoming more and more scandalous with each passing day, and I'm tired of it. Even my girlfriend said something about it to me today; that she's noticed it, too. It really got me thinking about two words that, when put together, make for a serious concern.
Suspect behavior.
If someone does anything, and I mean ANYTHING, other than what they say they are going to do, that is suspect behavior. If someone acts a certain way to your face, and does something else behind your back that you find out about later, that's suspect behavior. I could go on and on, but you get the hint.
I guess that when it all gets down to the nitty-gritty, I'm really tired of things not going my way. I expect people who I choose to associate myself with to act in a manner that is befitting of the title "friend," and no other way. I do not like to be lied to, especially when it's something stupid and small. I also expect those people to be straightforward and honest with me about everything. Lately there have been people hiding things and think I don't know, or telling me one thing when I absolutely, without-a-doubt, and with one hundred percent assuredness know the exact opposite. So, I offer this piece of wisdom for you, from my heart, just to be clear.
I am 33 years old. I have been around the block, back again, over here, over there, and many more places than you think. I had a rough childhood, even rougher teenage years, and haven't been the luckiest S.O.B. up to this point. I've been overweight since I was about ten years old, and took all the punishment that is associated with that; I still do on a daily basis. I am thankful for these experiences, because it gave me two things that most people don't get blessed with, and two great reasons to love myself.
First, character and personality. Humor, people skills, charisma, tact, caring, spirituality, loyalty, honesty, trust, trustworthy, and the ability to be straightforward. My word still means something to me. When I make a promise, I try extremely hard to keep it; if I can't, there's a reason, not an excuse.
Second (this is where I get truthful) - common sense combined with book smarts. That makes me dangerous. With everything that I've been through, all that I've seen, and what I've seen others go through...I can pretty much say I've been there and done that. Don't ever think I don't know EXACTLY what is going on at all times, in every situation. That's people mistaking my kindness for weakness. I have never been, am not, and will never be weak.
And I'm definitely not stupid.
I can see through a ruse a mile away. If you are guilty of this crime against me, please believe that I see it, know exactly what is going on, and am allowing it to happen the exact way that I want it to. Because I don't run this...GOD runs this...and He gives me the strength, intelligence, and common sense to see every facet of everything around me at all times and in all situations. He also gives me the strength and wisdom to know exactly how to handle it. I'm a firm believer in giving someone enough rope to hang themselves...and that's just what I'll do. Let you hang yourself.
I know, it seems like I'm just complaining because I had a rough day. I apologize if that's how you take this. I just think it's important for people to understand that I have more respect for myself than to deal with people trying to make me fall for suspect behavior.
Because in the end, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.
This is me. Still standing.
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